
August M. LaFleur

August Manross LaFleur was born late Thursday evening weighing 7lbs. and laying 19 inches long. His first words upon entering this world were unintelligible and...


There are two universal truths about the Bing News app on Windows 8. The first is that it represents the best of Windows 8 app...

WebAuthenticationBroker & Facebook

I needed to use Facebook authentication in a Windows Store app the other day. The Windows Runtime makes this trivially easy with it's WebAuthenticationBroker class....

What I Learned at PAX East

Style In The Round

Think about your actual user's actual experience, not some generalized design guidelines. If you wedge your user's experience into a design that doesn't fit, you...

A Better Sample Data

Visual Studio's templates provide a great jump start but there they are tab visually boring out of the box. Here we spice them up a...

Do It With Style

The truth is that equating "design guidelines" with "every app looks the same" is akin equating "code standards" with "every app does this same thing"....

Word as Blog Editor

Did you know that Microsoft Word also makes an excellent blog editor? In fact, this post made using Word 2013. So how do you set...

Custom Headers with HttpClient

Adding additional custom headers to your HttpClient calls

Too Clever By Half

So I'm a bit of a stickler for fool-proof configuration, sometimes to my own detriment. I'm also clever...too clever by half.

Bing Maps SDK

I've been playing around with the Bing Maps SDK over the holidays and ran into a gotcha with x64 compatibility.

Settings Charm