
The Magical Little Photon

I've been playing around with the latest goody from the folks over at Particle and it just became my go-to microcontroller.

IoT Particle Makers
Hello World, Its OneNote

I'm writing this post using OneNote. This isn't very interesting and I would be remiss if I didn't point out that just about every blog...

Blogging Office
Microsoft.MDA.targets Not Found Error

Quick tip for getting around "The imported project Microsoft.MDA.targets was not found"

Visual Studio
Web API Routing by Content-Type

Implementing a custom Route Attribute for Web API that considers Content-Type

Updating My PHP for WordPress

A few years ago I moved my blog to an Azure VM and it has been running flawlessly ever since. Thanks to WordPress' update process...

Quick Thing, To The Cloud!

A recently wrote about a little side-project I've been working on called Iotiva - a lightweight IoT backend using free and low-cost Azure resources. Here...

Azure, IoT, Maker, Free and Other Such Buzzwords

Can your average Developer/Maker afford to use Azure? I decided to skip any “back of the napkin” calculations (since most napkins are notoriously unreliable finks...

Breaker 7-6, This is Pi, Netduino Do You Copy?

I recently wrote about getting the a Raspberry Pi connected with Azure storage. This works well for when you have a full network stack to...

Hello Azure, My Name is Pi

I’ve been working on a little project at home recently and I needed to get data from some remote sensors in to the cloud. I...

Awesome Android with Xamarin

I've been publicly developing an application I call RMV Awesome on this blog over the last few months. Since the initial release of the Windows...

Multiple Apps, One Azure Mobile Service

Multiple Windows 8 apps, can they share the same Azure Mobile Services backend? This was the question I was looking to answer this week. I...

Location, Location, Awesome Geo-Location

I’ve been publicly building an application called RMV Awesome for the last several months on this blog. Since the initial release of the Windows 8.1...